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New Oaks update

It has now been several weeks since we last had any significant rain and there is little in the immediate forecast. Fortunately, the winter was wet which will have helped to top up the ground water, but the oaks planted on 3rd March by the P7 pupils from Donibristle Primary do not yet have deep roots so they are vulnerable to extended periods of dry weather.

As in all previous years Blair Law has been able to come to the rescue and all the new oaks got a full soaking with water at the weekend. This is Blair in May 2017 - watering the young trees planted in 2015.

Despite the cold wind off the sea this week some of the oaks are now beginning to come into leaf. There will be more watering needed to make sure all the young trees, including those planted by earlier P7s in 2015, avoid suffering too much in the dry weather.

Meanwhile, the remaining small oaks from the gift of trees from Ian Muir that had not been planted before the "lockdown" have been transplanted into larger pots and will be cared for over the summer.

This will give them a chance to develop more root structure and it is to be hoped there will be an opportunity to plant them out next winter.

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