Spring Birdsong
One of the great pleasures of Dalgety Bay is being out in the woodlands in Spring when the birds have established their territories and are still in full voice. A walk in the woods, especially on a still morning or evening, is bound to be accompanied by a chorus of birdsong from the surrounding trees. This is also a great time of year to see the songsters and their mates as the buds on the trees have not yet broken into leaf, so the birds are in clear view.
Robin in full voice

Chaffinch Male singing while his female carries feathers to line the nest

But between the singing there may be territories to defend. This male Blackbird was resting after just such a dispute

The Blue Tit's soft feathers may soon be shielding eggs from the cold

and this Dunnock hunts for insects and other invertebrates in cast up seaweed on the shore beside Bathing House Wood

A Song Thrush, ever watchful as it pauses on its journey back to nest or feeding area.

One bird that you will almost certainly hear, and which is a particularly vigorous singer despite its small size, is the Wren. With a mild winter having allowed good survival, and plenty of potential nest sites in our habitat piles, you can almost be guaranteed to hear one of the males declaring his ownership of a good location for one of the nests he will have built to attract a mate. This one is singing against a background of Wood Pigeons and Blackbirds.
These may all be common birds that are present all year and are frequent visitors to our gardens, but is in the woods that many of them choose to breed and there they delight the senses with their bright plumage and powerful songs. So, when you are out walking the Coastal Path, take a little time to pause and see what you can see or hear. Very soon now the leaves will open fully and then all you will get are very fleeting glimpses.