More Preparation for Cornfield Annuals
As a very pleasant alternative to pondering over who cut the trees down, we spent a bit of time in good company on Sunday afternoon finishing off clearing the border that the Donibristle P7s had started work on last November. Having got the path edge clearly identified it was just a matter of digging out some of the grass clumps in the border and preparing the soil for seed germination. We were very lucky with the weather. Yes, it had rained on Sunday morning, but not too much. Soil could be shaken out from the grass roots fairly easily thus leaving behind lots of seeds that had been shed from the Cornfield Annuals last year. Some of the seed collected last year will also be added and then, if we get good growing weather this Spring, we should again be able to enjoy the colours of these wildflowers in the summer.
Thanks to all our volunteers who made a bit of hard work an enjoyable time as well.